WEGO-Chromic Catgut (Absorbable Surgical Chromic Catgut Suture with or without needle)
Description: WEGO Chromic Catgut is an absorbable sterile surgical suture, composed of high quality 420 or 300 series drilled stainless needles and premium purified animal collagen thread. The Chromic Catgut is a twisted Natural Absorbable Suture, composed of purified connective tíssue (mostly collagen) derived from either the serosal layer of beef (bovine) or the submucosal fibrous layer of sheep (ovine) intestines. In order to meet the required wound healing period, Chromic Catgut is proce... -
Recommended cardiovascular suture
Polypropylene – perfect vascular suture 1. Proline is a single strand polypropylene non absorbable suture with excellent ductility, which is suitable for cardiovascular suture. 2. The thread body is flexible, smooth, unorganized drag, no cutting effect and easy to operate. 3. Long lasting and stable tensile strength and strong histocompatibility. Unique round needle, round angle needle type, cardiovascular special suture needle 1. Excellent penetration to ensure every excellent tissue ... -
Recommended Gynecologic and Obstetric surgery suture
Gynecologic and Obstetric surgery refers to procedures that are performed to treat a variety of conditions affecting the female reproductive organs. Gynecology is a broader field, focusing on the general health care of women and treating conditions that affect the female reproductive organs. Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. There are a wide range of surgical procedures that have been developed to treat the vari... -
Plastic Surgery and Suture
Plastic Surgery is a branch of surgery concerned with improving the function or appearance of parts of the body through reconstructive or cosmetic medical methods. Reconstructive surgery is done on abnormal structures of the body. Such as skin cancer& scars& burns& birthmarks and also including congenital anomalies including deformed ears& cleft palate& cleft lip so on. This type of surgery is usually done to improve function, but may also be done to change appearance. Cos... -
Common Suture Patterns (3)
Development of good technique requires a knowledge and understanding of the rational mechanics involved in suturing. When taking a bite of the tissue, the needle should be pushed through using only a wrist action, if it becomes difficult to pass through the tissue, an incorrect needle may have been selected, or the needle may be blunt. The tension of the suture material should be maintained throughout to prevent slack sutures, and the distance between the sutures should b... -
Surgical suture – non absorbable suture
Surgical Suture thread keep the wound part closed for healing after suturing. From the absorption profile, it can be classified as absorbable and non-absorbable suture. Non-absorbable suture contains silk, Nylon, Polyester, Polypropylene, PVDF, PTFE, Stainless steel and UHMWPE. Silk suture is 100% protein fiber natured from silkworm spun. It is non-absorbable suture from its material. Silk suture needed to be coated to make sure it is smooth when crossing the tissue or skin, and it can be coa... -
WEGOSUTURES for Ophthalmologic Surgery
Ophthalmologic surgery is a surgical procedure performed on the eye or any part of the eye. Surgery on the eye is routinely performed to repair retinal defects, remove cataracts or cancer, or to repair eye muscles. The most common purpose of ophthalmologic surgery is to restore or improve vision. Patients from the very young to very old have ocular conditions that warrant eye surgery. Two of the most common procedures are phacoemulsification for cataracts and elective refractive surgeries. T... -
Orthopedic introduction and sutures recommendation
The sutures can be used in which orthopedics level The critical period of wound healing Skin -Good skin and postoperative aesthetics are the most important concerns. -There is a lot of tension between the postoperative bleeding and the skin, and the sutures are small and small. ●suggestion: Non-absorbable surgical sutures: WEGO-Polypropylene — smooth,low damage P33243-75 Absorbable surgical sutures : WEGO-PGA —Don’t have to take out sutures,shorten hospitalization time,Reduce the risk... -
Common Suture Patterns(1)
Development of good technique requires a knowledge and understanding of the rational mechanics involved in suturing. When taking a bite of the tissue, the needle should be pushed through using only a wrist action, if it becomes difficult to pass through the tissue, an incorrect needle may have been selected, or the needle may be blunt. The tension of the suture material should be maintained throughout to prevent slack sutures, and the distance between the sutures should be equal. The use of a... -
Common Suture Patterns(2)
Development of good technique requires a knowledge and understanding of the rational mechanics involved in suturing. When taking a bite of the tissue, the needle should be pushed through using only a wrist action, if it becomes difficult to pass through the tissue, an incorrect needle may have been selected, or the needle may be blunt. The tension of the suture material should be maintained throughout to prevent slack sutures, and the distance between the sutures should be equal. The use of a... -
Classification of Surgical Sutures
Surgical Suture thread keep the wound part closed for healing after suturing. From the materials combined surgical suture, it can be classified as: catgut (contains Chromic and Plain), Silk, Nylon, Polyester, Polypropylene, Polyvinylidenfluoride (also named as “PVDF” in wegosutures), PTFE, Polyglycolic Acid (also named “PGA” in wegosutures), Polyglactin 910 (also named Vicryl or “PGLA” in wegosutures), Poly(glycolide-co-caprolactone)(PGA-PCL) (also named Monocryl or “PGCL” in wegosutures), Po... -
Surgical Suture Brand Cross Reference
In order for customers to better understand our WEGO brand suture products, we have made Brands Cross Reference for you here.
The Cross Reference was made base on the absorption profile, in basically these sutures can be replaced by each other.