WEGO Nylon cassettes for veterinary use
WEGO-NYLON Cassette sutures is a synthetic non-absorbable sterile monofilament surgical suture composed of polyamide 6 (NH-CO-(CH2)5)n or polyamide 6.6[NH-(CH2)6)-NH-CO-(CH2)4-CO]n. Are dyed blue with phthalocyanine blue (Color Index Number 74160); Blue (FD & C #2) (Color Index Number 73015) or Logwood Black (Color Index Number75290). The Cassette suture length is available from 50 meters to 150 meters by different size. Nylon threads have excellent knot security properties and can be eas... -
Supramid Nylon Cassette Sutures for veterinary
Supramid nylon is the advanced nylon, which widely used for veterinary. SUPRAMID NYLON suture is a synthetic non-absorbable sterile surgical suture made of polyamide. WEGO-SUPRAMID sutures are available undyed and dyed Logwood Black (Color Index Number75290). Also available in fluorescence color like yellow or orange color in certain conditions. Supramid NYLON sutures are available in two different structures depending on suture diameter: Supramid pseudo monofilament consists of a core of pol... -
PGA cassettes for veterinary use
From the perspective of using objects, surgical suture can be divided into surgical suture for human use and for veterinary use. The production requirement and export strategy of surgical sutures for human use are more strict than that for veterinary use. However, the surgical sutures for veterinary use should not be ignored especially as the development of pet market. The epidermis and tissue of human body are relatively softer than animals, and the puncture degree and toughness of suture ne... -
Cassette Sutures
Surgery on animals is different, since mostly was running in bulk, especially in the farm. To meet the requirement of Veterinary surgery, Cassette sutures was developed to fit the bulk surgeries like the Female Cat Sterilization operation and others. It offers the thread length from 15 meters up to 100 meters per cassette. Very suitable for operate surgery in bulk quantity. Standard size that can be fixed in the most size Cassette Racks, this makes the veterinary can focus on the surgery that no need to change the size and sutures during the procedure.
UHWMPE vet sutures kit
Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) was named by the PE which Moleculer weight higher than 1 million. It is the third generation of High Performance Fiber after Carbon Fiber and Aramid Fiber, one of the Engineering Thermoplastic.
Veterinary Medical Devices
The harmony relation between human and everything established with the developing of economics which all around in this modern world, Pets is becoming a new member of families step by step in the past decades. Each family own 1.3 pets in average in Europe and US. As special member of the family, they bring us laugh, happiness, peace and teaching the kids to have love on life, on everything to make the world better. All the medical device manufacturer bears the responsibility on supplying the reliable medical devices for Veterinary with the same standard and level.